
Friday 12 June 2015

Screenshot 2015-06-11 at 12.43.14.pngScreenshot 2015-06-11 at 12.03.24.pngMany years ago, many New Zealanders knew a little about Matariki. Matariki is the Maori new year, a day that is special to the Maoris and the New Zealanders,Matariki is an important festival to the Maoris and the New Zealanders. Matariki is a name for the cluster of stars, also the names of the stars are called Waiti,Waita, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Waipuna-a-rangi and Ururangi also Matariki is another name for Pleiades. Matariki It also means a mother star with it’s six daughters, it also means the eyes of  God. Did you know that the constellation of stars can be seen from different areas if the world?  Did you know that Matariki only be celebrated for three days?  Matariki is the time of harvest. Matariki is a time to remember. The Matariki cluster of stars is important to people all around the world.

Did you know that the seven sisters  were lifted up in the night sky by the god Zeus. In English Matariki can be called the seven sisters. Orion is one of the most easiest constellations to be seen in the night sky.
By Ronan